


路易斯安那州法(R).S.17:170) and Xavier University requires all students entering Xavier University of Louisiana to submit the required immunizations listed below.  

返校的学生将被要求更新那些过时的免疫接种. Please contact Student Health Services @ (504)520-7396 to confirm which immunizations you will need to update.

  • 麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹(MMR): 两剂活疫苗需要相隔至少28天, 第一剂MMR疫苗必须在一岁生日当天或之后接种. 1957年以前出生的人不需要接种疫苗. 血清学试验证明免疫也是可以接受的.
  • 破伤风-白喉-百日咳(T-dap): 在过去十年内接种过一剂疫苗.  
  • 脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎(A、C、Y、W-135四价疫苗): 16岁或以上需要一(1)剂.  这55年是不需要的.或以上.
  • 关于Covid-19疫苗和增强剂的建议 It is strongly recommended that all individuals be vaccinated against COVID-19 with the original Pfizer/Moderna or J&J疫苗,并在现有的COVID-19增强疫苗可用时保持它们. 可附上COVID-19疫苗和加强剂的证明. Xavier University of Louisiana maintains the right to resume mandatory testing and vaccinations to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 outbreak.

完成的说明 必需的免疫接种 & 护理同意书 Form

  • Page 1 is required for all individuals with the exception of on-line students who will not be attending classes on campus.
  • 第一页必须由学生的医生/医疗服务提供者填写并签名.
  • 只有 state computer generated printouts of previous vaccines will be accepted without a physician signature. 没有例外!!!
  • 填写免疫表格的顶部并附上州生成的打印件.
  • Page 2 (护理同意书 Form) must be completed and signed by a parent or legal guardian for those students that are 17 years of age or younger.
  • 请填写所需的免疫接种表格并提交给Med+Proctor. 如果不这样做,将导致您的注册被延迟.



You can contact your pediatrician’s office, your high school, your previous college, 等. 问问他们有没有你的记录. 

如果无法获取记录, please make arrangements to receive the vaccines again OR provide serology results that show immunity.

运行状况已清除表示您已完成并提交了 必需的免疫 Med+Proctor的文件.

例外: 就读于 在线课程 只有 是否不需要满足免疫接种要求.


新进入者, transfer students or former returning students who have been accepted to Xavier University of Louisiana, are automatically placed on "not health cleared hold" until you satisfy the immunization requirements. 一旦你提交了“必需的免疫"给Med+Proctor的文件你的健康检查将被解除.

收到您的文件后,您将通过 地中海+学监门户 表明你是顺从的.  如果您缺少或需要更新任何必需的免疫接种, the secure message will indicate that you are non-compliant and will include instructions.  您可以在门户上监视您的状态.  请预留48 - 72小时处理.


  • a document signed by a health care provider that indicates the names of vaccines and the dates you received them, OR
  • a copy of your immunization records from your previous school on the school’s letterhead
  • 化验结果显示你有免疫力.
  • State computer generated printouts of previous vaccines will be accepted without a physician signature.

路易斯安那州法律 (R.S. 17:170 -高等学校)要求提供麻疹免疫接种日期的证明, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹, 及为所有在一月一日或以后出生的首次入学学生提供破伤风-白喉疫苗, 1957, 及在一月一日或以后出生的复读学生, (1957)离校一个学期或更长时间的学生. The following guidelines are presented for the purpose of meeting the established recommendations for control of vaccine-preventable diseases, 根据美国儿科学会(AAP)的建议, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to the United States Public Health Service (ACIP), 美国大学健康协会(ACHA). 除了, current Louisiana legislation now mandates meningitis vaccination for persons being admitted to a postsecondary education institution for the Fall 2006 semester and thereafter.

是的, 麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹(MMR)疫苗是终身有益的, 破伤风-白喉(Td/Tdap)每10年接种一次, 16岁或以上接种1剂脑膜炎.

The State of Louisiana requires anyone attending school in Louisiana to submit this documentation in order to attend school in Louisiana. If you are unable to obtain a copy from your previous school or family physician you will have to retake some and/or provide titers for the other required immunizations. (麻疹、破伤风、脑膜炎)

您可以随时获取免疫接种记录. 最快,最简单的方法就是登录 病人门户,点击我的个人资料和免疫. 历史 print your own copy or if immunizations were submitted through Med+Proctor you may log into your account ( 并索要一份副本.

如果您无法在线访问记录, 你可亲临学生健康服务中心,或将 医疗释放表格 学生健康服务:(504)520-7962. 所有要求将在72小时内得到满足.

学生 who are not immunized for medical or personal reasons must complete and submit an Immunization Exemption form 地中海+普氏.

在爆发的情况下: any student who has an exemption on file will be asked to leave the university until the outbreak is over or until they submit proof of immunization.

The University does not refund any tuition or fees to students who are unable to attend or complete classes or coursework due to exclusion from campus for lack of immunizations. 进一步, students who receive exemptions are required to release and hold harmless the University and its trustees, 军官, 代理, servants and employees from any liability incurred or sustained by the University which arises out of the University's consideration of, 或者最终决定授予, 豁免请求.

注意: 学生 who request to reside on-campus in Xavier University of Louisiana main campus or any of the satellite campus residential halls must complete and submit all required immunizations before move in day.  没有例外

学生 with medical contraindications or religious affiliation that prevents them from getting vaccinations must submit a completed 申请医疗/非医疗免疫豁免表格 地中海+普氏.

是的, all students currently enrolled in the university are eligible to be seen in Student Health Services clinic regardless if they are covered by their own health insurance or by the student health insurance plan.

不,所有的访问都是保密的,不计入你的学习成绩. 信息 in the medical record may only be shared if you sign an authorization to disclose protected health information.

Insurance information is obtained to provide to off-campus ancillary providers if a student is referred for x-rays, 实验室, 等.

No, there is one pharmacy within walking distance and several other pharmacies near the campus


是的,复印病历是要收费的.  费用列在 健康信息发布授权表.  付款信息可与付款申请表一起提交 健康信息发布授权表 或者您可以联系出纳办公室@(504)520-5226提交付款.

希望获得医疗记录副本的学生必须填写一份 健康信息发布授权表 and fax completed form to (504)520-7962 or mail to: 1 Drexel Drive, 箱36, New Orleans, La. 70125.

所有的医疗记录都是保密的. 如果你向我们提交你的医疗记录副本, please make sure to put your student ID number on each page of your document(s) and you may mail, 手交付, 传真至:传真号码(504)520-7962或上传至 病人门户.




St. 约瑟夫学术 & 卫生资源中心





P.O. 箱36
新奥尔良,LA 70125



